Who we are

DaHart Dynamics LTD is a company set up by our founder, Daniel Hartley. Daniel has had a passion for snooker, since he first played at age 18. Since then, he has spent countless hours playing the game, and when not physically playing the game, has instead played mobile games focussing on snooker.
This is where Daniel realised that there wasn’t a mobile game on the market that felt like he was actually playing snooker, all the games were focussed on potting balls, that was it.
The fun of the safety battles, the snooker attempts, escaping snookers, tactical play, none of these were available on any game on the market.

This is where DaHart Dynamics LTD comes into play. We want the perfect snooker game, the game where it actually feels like we’re playing snooker on a mobile device, not just potting the occasional ball and watching the funky “physics” making the balls do unrealistic things.
Snooker: The Complete Experience changes the market, it showcases the real game of snooker, all the nitty gritty parts, through to the mainstream break building aspect. The physics of the reactions and collisions of balls is thoroughly thought out, the spin off cushions, the drag on the cloth, the balls being “thrown off” of their original trajectory by applying spin to them, it’s all included.

DaHart Dynamics LTD, where realism matters.